My daughter Whitney has me watching the Rachel Zoe Project , Project Runway , as well as any other fashion inspired shows that she comes across. Of course I watch them all because this is what she is really interested in. I am also interested in changing my look at this stage in my life. So these shows do give you insight into what is out there and how to put things together, so I must admit, they are helpful. Of course everyone think that New York is the place for fashion, and it is, but Los Angeles has more than its share of design houses and fashionistas. The shopping here is more than plentiful than I have seen in any city, even New York.
Well I am working on finding my personal style again. There was a time when I loved clothes and had lots of them. This all stemmed from my mother who was a very sharp dresser and knew quality and she passed this love for fashion on to me. Now things are different, because I don't really like to shop anymore, at least not like before. However, I still love beautiful, well made clothes, but I don't desire to have everything that I see.
I will share my transformation with you as it takes place, but it will be a slow process, because I have many other things on my agenda as well.
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Happy "51st" Birthday MJ

Michael will always be in the hearts of African Americans all over the world, we believe that he belong to us; but because of his works, his love of all people, and his incredible talent, he will be in the hearts of many.
Happy Birthday Michael, you will never be forgotten. Be at peace my brother.
Thank You Senator Kennedy -You Will Be Missed, But Never Forgotten

Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy started out wanting and working hard for the rights of all Americans to live the American Dream. Through all of the tragedies that he has endured in his life, he lived to see the fruits of his and his brother's hard work.
After watching the funeral of Ted Kennedy today and the burial along with all of those that attended it makes me admire this family even more. We all see them as this extremely wealthy and privileged family and they were. There is something else that I realized, and that is that all of those children were raised with great love, a strong faith, a strong sense of what is right and wrong, a strong moral compass, a strong sense of family, and a strong sense of what was expected of them. Those are things that money can't buy. Their parents did a wonderful job.

Brown Sugar Reminds Me of Friendship, one in particular
When I see this movie or hear the soundtrack, it reminds me of only one person. This friend was at one time my best friend. Unlike the movie, we didn't meet in childhood, we met as adults. He was newly separated from his wife, and I was a single mother of a two year old. There was an instant attraction and an instant friendship - later we were much more than friends. Within a few months, I realized that my friend was still very much in love with his wife. I backed up from the relationship, first because I truly loved him as a friend, and secondly because of my respect for the sacrament of marriage. If he wanted to save his marriage and reclaim his family, I also wanted that for him. I loved him enough to let him go and be happy.
We remained friends, but when he and his wife divorced our relationship eventually resumed.
Our friendship was really special. We laughed a lot. Mostly at each other and ourselves. Everyone felt that we were destined to be together, but things did not work out that way. Through the on and off love relationship as well as both of us getting married and then divorced, our friendship remained strong. We could talk about anything, from the details of intimacy, to politics, to the details of our childhood along with our dreams and fears. At that time there seemed to be a great deal of mutual respect and no judgment.
I know you are wondering as many have already; what happened, why didn't this have a happy ending. I was young and and some ways immature and my friend needed a woman that wasless independent. There was a happy ending, just not the one everyone expected.
An older woman once told me that it is a smart woman that knows how to be independent and dependent at the same time. Understanding that a man's nature is to provide for and protect what he deems to be in his care.
Well our friendship is starting to change at a time when I now understand what it means to be independent and dependent at the same time. My friend now seems to need a woman that is even more dependent than before; more dependent on him and less dependent on her self. I am not that woman.
I have become more dependent on myself than ever before. Not that I don't need anyone else, but I have learned to trust my feelings and my thoughts more than I have in the past.
We have grown in opposite directions. I guess this is what it means to grow apart.
We remained friends, but when he and his wife divorced our relationship eventually resumed.
Our friendship was really special. We laughed a lot. Mostly at each other and ourselves. Everyone felt that we were destined to be together, but things did not work out that way. Through the on and off love relationship as well as both of us getting married and then divorced, our friendship remained strong. We could talk about anything, from the details of intimacy, to politics, to the details of our childhood along with our dreams and fears. At that time there seemed to be a great deal of mutual respect and no judgment.
I know you are wondering as many have already; what happened, why didn't this have a happy ending. I was young and and some ways immature and my friend needed a woman that wasless independent. There was a happy ending, just not the one everyone expected.
An older woman once told me that it is a smart woman that knows how to be independent and dependent at the same time. Understanding that a man's nature is to provide for and protect what he deems to be in his care.
Well our friendship is starting to change at a time when I now understand what it means to be independent and dependent at the same time. My friend now seems to need a woman that is even more dependent than before; more dependent on him and less dependent on her self. I am not that woman.
I have become more dependent on myself than ever before. Not that I don't need anyone else, but I have learned to trust my feelings and my thoughts more than I have in the past.
We have grown in opposite directions. I guess this is what it means to grow apart.
The Rachel Zoe Project and My Daughter

I just watched the first episode of the new season of The Rachel Zoe Project tonight and it is quite interesting. My daughter is in love with Rahel Zoe and also wants to be a stylist. She is not necessarily interested in being a stylist to the stars, even though it is quite lucrative. Her interests mostly lie within styling for photographers, sitcoms (TV), and/or costumes for the stage. She is not quite sure which direction she will take.
The amazing thing is that I don't watch reality TV, actually I don't watch much TV at all.
Now I am watching Rachel Zoe and Project Runway, all at the direction of my daughter. Whitney and I have a great relationship, and she is my baby and I want to and will support her in anything positive that she is interested in doing in her life. So I have been watching these shows and reading everything that interest her, so I will know how to support her.
I realize that the world of fashion is extremely chaotic, and it makes me anxious just watching it.
My daughter has always wanted to work behind the scenes. Years ago she thought of being a videographer and wanted to do music videos. A little while back she decided that she wanted to be in the fashion industry, again behind the scenes. This time she wants to dress those in the videos. I am really proud of her growth, because I can really see her doing this and loving it.
Kudos to you Whitney.
This is What You call Living Your life
This is the way I would love to be when I grow up. I love her attitude and mostly why she is not afraid to live life the way she wants to.
This is the most inspirational thing that I have come across in a long time, and I love it.
This is the most inspirational thing that I have come across in a long time, and I love it.
Let The Jackson Family Heal

Are you not tired of all of the media about Michael Jackson's death. I wish they would all just let it go and let that family heal. I watched the interview on Larry King with Jermaine Jackson and it really reminded me how the media sensationalizes everything. There is so much that the family does not know and also hear for the first time in the media. They are a family just like yours and mine that has suffered a great loss and just want time to come together as a family and handle their business.
I continue to keep them in my prayers, but I know that the media is not that gracious.
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