There are often times when we want to escape something and/or someone in our lives and are not often careful how we escape. We imagine our method of escape has to be better than what we are escaping from. I was once in this situation. My daughter had gone off to college and I felt both physically and emotionally exhausted. This exhaustion was because for eighteen years I was a single parent. Trying to be everything to her, the provider, the mother, the father, and the friend. On top of that being, being a single mother in the workforce brings on yet another set of challenges. Even though that little person brings so much joy to your life, it is a responsibility like no other, quite a heavy responsibility.
I didn't realize that throughout these eighteen years this weight was breaking me down year after year, and in that last year I felt as though I lost all control and things truly started to fall apart. I let my daughter down as well as myself. The problem was, I had no idea the effect this all had on my emotional state, and we all know this stress can manifest itself physically.
About a year later, I met this man that I liked, more than all the others. He was the first man that I felt I could truly be myself with. He appeared to appreciate me for who I was and not wanting me to be something different or do something different.
Not having to worry about the drama of bringing a man in the house with my daughter, since she was off at college, and not having to worry about any of this affecting her life directly, I married this man and moved out to California.
I saw so many warning signs before the marriage, but it was obviously the only escape option that was presented to me at the time, so I stayed blind to the warning signs. I was in a place, an emotional low, that I was oblivious to, and therefore allowed a great deal of things to occur in my life that I would not have allowed otherwise.
So I escaped to California.
I just wished that I had escaped in a more stable, more solid, more mechanically tuned car, instead, I escaped in a clown car. So I climbed 'UP' into this clown car and went for this ride. Now we all know how low to the ground a clown car is, and to have to climb up means that I was pretty low.
While on this journey I saw Fords, Chryslers, BMW's, etc, and I wanted one of those. I realized my mode of transportation for what it was, a Clown Car, and I started to work on this clown car, patching it here and there, trying to make it into something that it was not meant to be.
Finally, I realized the the only thing to do was get rid of this car and the only thing that I could change was me . This clown car has since been junked, but I became attached to it, merely because it helped me escape an area and a life that was suffocating me. At that very moment my world opened up. I was not the least bit interested in replacing this car, I would rather walk. That is exactly what I did. Then I started to run, and now I can fly.
I believe that everything happens for a reason, and that we are exactly where we are suppose to be at any given time. These times were for my own growth. Preparation for something bigger and better, a breakdown so to speak, that took me to a place of humility, and for all of it I am grateful.
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Tonya Keitt Kalule's Blogs
Blog Archive
- I Escaped in a Clown Car. Did You?
- Patrick Swayze 1952- 2009
- "I Can Do Bad By Myself "
- Worked on a new Sketch
- Rep. Joe Wilson Shows True Republican Colors
- True Friendship is one of God's Greatest Gifts
- William Laga-Mental Illness, Homeles, Brilliant
- MJ in "The Great Mausoleum"
- Chung Shi from Foot Solutions
- Why the American Economy is Going to Hell...
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Patrick Swayze 1952- 2009

All photos from US
Patrick Swayze has given a great deal of himself to his audience. I fell in love with his with the movie "Ghost" with Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg.
I understand that he started out as a dancer and his mother owned a dance school. Later, I was able to realize that this was another talent of Patrick's actually the one that got him in the door.

"Too Wong Foo" is another of my favorites. One that my daughter introduced me to and we have watched this together over and over again.

Another one is 'Point Break". These are the three movies that I have loved the most. His talent will truly be missed. I am happy that he no longer has to suffer that pain, and that he went to sleep knowing that he did his best and that he had given his all, and that his talent was truly appreciated.
"I Can Do Bad By Myself "

I Can Do Bad All By Myself
This was absolutely a wonderful movie. Tyler let this story play out beautifully, and I love how he let the other smaller story lines play off the main story. This was definitely one of his best thus far. I believe that Tyler Perry is just getting started.
The most important thing here even more so than entertainment, he has really capture the true tone of black life and black love. He shows that we area multifaceted people, with many stories to tell. Tyler knows the root and that has been our Momma and the church. But he doesn't' just stop there because that is not everyone's story, often times it is the Daddy that is the cornerstone, or the granddaddy, or the lady across the street.
Taraji Henson was good as usual, she nailed this character. It was also refreshing to see Adam Rodriguez in this part, the cultural difference was necessary. The Church as a character was also great. This movie is definitely a must see. Thanks Tyler for telling our story.
Worked on a new Sketch
Tonight I worked on a new sketch. It was something simple, a sketch of a seal. Mostly this lesson was about shading, and all about eyes for me. I nailed the eye, shading is good, but not as good as it could be. The perspective is better but also not perfect. I am satisfied with what was done at this point, as long as there is progress I am satisfied.
Tomorrow I will be working on another simple drawing of a flamingo, again a lesson in shading, perspective, and the eye.
This is fun, but it is work.
Tomorrow I will be working on another simple drawing of a flamingo, again a lesson in shading, perspective, and the eye.
This is fun, but it is work.
Rep. Joe Wilson Shows True Republican Colors

South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson was the one that shouted, " You Lie" at the President during his address to Congress on Wednesday. This was a blatant display of disrespect not only for the man, but the highest office in our nation. This is also a display of the old adage, " It is easier to seek forgiveness than permission" His quick apology is further proof that it is not a true apology but just a formality.
Under normal circumstances I would believe that his emotions got the best of him, but this is a man that is a retired Army Colonel. He knows what it is to respect authority even when you don't agree, this is his Commander in Chief. This was more about the lack of respect for the man than the position.
I am from the south and I believe that this runs much deeper than the obvious disrespect. President Barack Obama is something that goes the against the grain of everything Wilson believed and was taught in his life. This angers him, and that is what took over on Wednesday.
Wilson may have even surprised himself in this situation, but his apology is not for what he feels for his President, but for his embarrassing behavior at this televised event.
Inside the Mind of Joe Wilson, by Richard Benjaminis a great article that reiterates my comments in this blog. This article is found on
True Friendship is one of God's Greatest Gifts
As we get older hopefully we learn what a true friend really is. I use to be a person that was extremely social, but now it is different. I am more of a loner these days. I have always been a bit of a loner to some degree, probably because I am an only child. As a child I use to crave the company of large families. These days, I am not only more of a loner, but even more of an introvert. This is a change in my personality that I would have never imagined.
A few days ago I discovered that I am going to have to undergo some major surgery and after talking to my mother, who was the first person I called, I called my girlfriend in Chicago. With no hesitation she said to me that she had some time to take at work, and she would come out to California when I have surgery. I was hoping that she would, but she offered with no hesitation, and I immediately realized how blessed I am to have a friend that would travel so far, to care for me.
We have been friends for thirty years. Wow that is forever. I remember a time that I thought thirty was middle age.
I guess the day will come when my friend and I will be plucking each other's chin hairs.
A few days ago I discovered that I am going to have to undergo some major surgery and after talking to my mother, who was the first person I called, I called my girlfriend in Chicago. With no hesitation she said to me that she had some time to take at work, and she would come out to California when I have surgery. I was hoping that she would, but she offered with no hesitation, and I immediately realized how blessed I am to have a friend that would travel so far, to care for me.
We have been friends for thirty years. Wow that is forever. I remember a time that I thought thirty was middle age.
I guess the day will come when my friend and I will be plucking each other's chin hairs.
William Laga-Mental Illness, Homeles, Brilliant

William Laga was diagnoses with Schizophrenia at the age of 16 and has been on the streets for over thirty years. An art gallery owner has been spending her Mondays with William because she recognize his brilliance and his illness. She buys him paint and canvasses so he can do what frees him, and that is paint.
William has been walking 16 miles to sit in art classes at Pierce College here in San Fernando Valley. He has been taking this walk for over three decades and the professors allow him to sit in their classes as well as take a weekly shower in the gymnasium at the school.
The art gallery owner, Marcell Danan has carefully packed up and shipped William's art to Paris for his first gallery showing, William is also staying in a hotel in Paris.
This is a beautifully amazing story and there are many more out there like William.
MJ in "The Great Mausoleum"

This service tonight looks very different than the memorial service that was held at the Staple Center. The memorial service was definitely for the fans, and this funeral is more personal.
Michael is being buried in Forest Lawn's 'The Great Mausoleum' which is beautiful in its own right. It is filled with marble, stain glass windows, life size sculptures, and much more beauty of the same. This is also an area where it is not open to the public, and well guarded by live guards in addition to many other security measures. This is the level of security that probably prompted Katherine Jackson to bury her son there.
This is the day that once again reminds us that even though he seems larger than life, he is merely a man with extraordinary gifts that he shared with the world. It is my belief that he was bestowed on us by His Father with a certain mission for a certain period of time. Well Michael has finished his mission an is now at Rest.
Chung Shi from Foot Solutions
Today I went into Foot Solutions in Sherman Oaks, Ca. and met the nicest sales person. His name is Dan and he was really personable and quite helpful. I went into the store to look at the MBT shoes, but liked the Chung Shi shoe better. I tried the shoes on and fell in love with the feel. The first one that I tried on was the sandal, which is quite unattractive to say the least. I then tried on the Traveler which looks more like a hiking shoe, and they looked much better on my feet, even with the skirt that I was wearing. Since I am a photographer and always out and about looking for photo opportunities, I need and want to wear a comfortable shoe. This shoe is not only comfortable, it works the body's stabilizing muscles, and at my age, every little bit helps.
I plan to go back to the store on the weekend to see how the sandal looks with a pair of jeans, and if I can live with the look, both pair will be mine. At the very least I am going to purchase the Traveler.
Yes this shoe is more expensive than most easy walkers, but for the comfort that it provides, it is worth every penny of it's $260.00 price tag. If you are anywhere near a Foot Solutions, please go in and try on a pair if you are a person that does a great deal of walking. Whether you are walking on your job, for leisure, or just need comfort, this is definitely a shoe for you.
I plan to go back to the store on the weekend to see how the sandal looks with a pair of jeans, and if I can live with the look, both pair will be mine. At the very least I am going to purchase the Traveler.
Yes this shoe is more expensive than most easy walkers, but for the comfort that it provides, it is worth every penny of it's $260.00 price tag. If you are anywhere near a Foot Solutions, please go in and try on a pair if you are a person that does a great deal of walking. Whether you are walking on your job, for leisure, or just need comfort, this is definitely a shoe for you.
Why the American Economy is Going to Hell...
My experience today is one of the reasons why the economy in the country is going to hell. Customer service is absolutely pathetic in most places, or should I say lack there of. All that these companies think about is the bottom line, the profit, not the consistent revenue.
Today I went to Sprint in Encino, Ca. to see if the many problems with my Samsung Instinct could be repaired. I have been there several times with some of the same problems and they would do something to the phone and then out the door I would go. The problems are never repaired. Well now many of the problems are merely worst. Today they are actually going to order me another phone, but the problem with that is that they are going to replace my phone with a refurbished phone. I know, I know, all refurbished products are not products that have been repaired, but some are, and there is no way to differentiate. I bought a new phone less than a year ago and under the manufacturers warranty I want my replacement to be new. I don't see that as being unreasonable. After going through the store management, I called customer service from the store and even talked to someone in their retention department name Patrick, and boy was he rude. The last thing he said to me was the worst.
I was expressing my feeling on my being a customer of 8 years and I have had a problem in the past with phones and the phones that had to be replaced, and they were replaced with new phones, or the upgrade.
I made the mistake of calling him sweetheart, and he told me that his name was Patrick and he would appreciate it if I called him that. At that moment I told him that the conversation was over and hung up the phone. I was foaming at that mouth.
To calm myself down I went down the street to my favorite sushi restaurant on Van Nuys and Ventura Blvd, ate their wonderful sushi and drank a glass of plum wine, and talked to the guy that made my food.
A few years ago, I would have called him a few things other than sweetheart or Patrick, but I am little bit more reserved now.
Once I arrived home I thought that I would call Sprint again because maybe Patrick was having a bad day. Well I talked to two more people that only gave me the option of getting the refurbished phone or paying for the upgraded version, well that is no option in my eyes. So I declined and told them that I would make new arrangements for my daughter and would call back by the end of the week to cancel my service. There response was, " thank you for calling Sprint".
Yes they are willing to lose a loyal customer of 8 years and thousands of dollars in revenue over a phone that cost them a couple of hundred dollars. It is their call but the buck stops here.
I don't want to deal with any company that does not value me as a customer, especially a loyal customer, when there are not many loyal anything around these days. They can forget their early cancellation fees, because I will read that contract and I will blast their A*# all over the web, but they will not get it another dime from me.
I am getting to the point where I would much rather deal with the mom and pop businesses of yesteryear. Yes, it may be more expensive, but if you can get good customer service it will add years to your life. The hassle is ridiculous. Everything is automated, and I am sick of that as well.
I am learning the value of the small businessman, and from now on I will seek out the locally owned businesses and give my money to them, because these corporate monsters only care about lining their own pockets, and I am tired of them lining it with my own money. I have many choices and I am going to utilize them.
We need to stop these companies from charging top dollar for products that costs them pennies and telling us that we are getting the best deal. This maybe my new mission, to locate small businesses and talk about them on my site and any where else I can give them a boost.
You know I have taken to buying a great deal of things on line because I really abhor going in stores and being greeted, or not, by bad attitudes, win/lose policies, and unappreciative corporate structures. Yes I am still mad.
I will continue to write more on what I come across on a daily basis and I will write the company's name, location, and even the employees name if applicable. I really don't care. They all need to be called out. I am going start a calling.
Today I went to Sprint in Encino, Ca. to see if the many problems with my Samsung Instinct could be repaired. I have been there several times with some of the same problems and they would do something to the phone and then out the door I would go. The problems are never repaired. Well now many of the problems are merely worst. Today they are actually going to order me another phone, but the problem with that is that they are going to replace my phone with a refurbished phone. I know, I know, all refurbished products are not products that have been repaired, but some are, and there is no way to differentiate. I bought a new phone less than a year ago and under the manufacturers warranty I want my replacement to be new. I don't see that as being unreasonable. After going through the store management, I called customer service from the store and even talked to someone in their retention department name Patrick, and boy was he rude. The last thing he said to me was the worst.
I was expressing my feeling on my being a customer of 8 years and I have had a problem in the past with phones and the phones that had to be replaced, and they were replaced with new phones, or the upgrade.
I made the mistake of calling him sweetheart, and he told me that his name was Patrick and he would appreciate it if I called him that. At that moment I told him that the conversation was over and hung up the phone. I was foaming at that mouth.
To calm myself down I went down the street to my favorite sushi restaurant on Van Nuys and Ventura Blvd, ate their wonderful sushi and drank a glass of plum wine, and talked to the guy that made my food.
A few years ago, I would have called him a few things other than sweetheart or Patrick, but I am little bit more reserved now.
Once I arrived home I thought that I would call Sprint again because maybe Patrick was having a bad day. Well I talked to two more people that only gave me the option of getting the refurbished phone or paying for the upgraded version, well that is no option in my eyes. So I declined and told them that I would make new arrangements for my daughter and would call back by the end of the week to cancel my service. There response was, " thank you for calling Sprint".
Yes they are willing to lose a loyal customer of 8 years and thousands of dollars in revenue over a phone that cost them a couple of hundred dollars. It is their call but the buck stops here.
I don't want to deal with any company that does not value me as a customer, especially a loyal customer, when there are not many loyal anything around these days. They can forget their early cancellation fees, because I will read that contract and I will blast their A*# all over the web, but they will not get it another dime from me.
I am getting to the point where I would much rather deal with the mom and pop businesses of yesteryear. Yes, it may be more expensive, but if you can get good customer service it will add years to your life. The hassle is ridiculous. Everything is automated, and I am sick of that as well.
I am learning the value of the small businessman, and from now on I will seek out the locally owned businesses and give my money to them, because these corporate monsters only care about lining their own pockets, and I am tired of them lining it with my own money. I have many choices and I am going to utilize them.
We need to stop these companies from charging top dollar for products that costs them pennies and telling us that we are getting the best deal. This maybe my new mission, to locate small businesses and talk about them on my site and any where else I can give them a boost.
You know I have taken to buying a great deal of things on line because I really abhor going in stores and being greeted, or not, by bad attitudes, win/lose policies, and unappreciative corporate structures. Yes I am still mad.
I will continue to write more on what I come across on a daily basis and I will write the company's name, location, and even the employees name if applicable. I really don't care. They all need to be called out. I am going start a calling.
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Blog Archive
- I Escaped in a Clown Car. Did You?
- Patrick Swayze 1952- 2009
- "I Can Do Bad By Myself "
- Worked on a new Sketch
- Rep. Joe Wilson Shows True Republican Colors
- True Friendship is one of God's Greatest Gifts
- William Laga-Mental Illness, Homeles, Brilliant
- MJ in "The Great Mausoleum"
- Chung Shi from Foot Solutions
- Why the American Economy is Going to Hell...