Savannah residents were extremely excited on Tuesday when President Barack Obama visited the city. He was doing what he said that he wanted to do and that is to bring big government to the working class and find out what their needs and expectations are. He also does this to keep in touch with why he ran for office. He didn't come to see the dignitaries of the city, he came to see and be seen by those people that he is working hard for in his administration. He made four stops in the city that proved imperative . Even though his hands are tied in many issues, because politics is what it is, Politics, he is working as hard as he can to do what he thinks is right.
President Obama realizes the importance of tackling the high school dropout rate in this country and how important it is for these young people to find their gifts and be able to become productive, for themselves as well as for their country. His visit to Savannah Vocational School showed the students there, some of them high school dropouts, that what they are doing is just as important to this nation as the students with college degrees. This technical school has programs that teach skills for the green energy jobs, and that showed them that they are the future of this country.
Jack Kingston, a Republican congressman from Ga. hitched a ride back to DC with President Obama, against the judgement of many of his constituents. Obama did not carry the state of Georgia during his election, which was not a surprise to me, but a disappointment. It is still the mentality of the Old South, and that is unfortunate. Due to the reception that he received on his visit to the city, there are a number of people that did vote for him, but not enough for him to carry the state. It is great that the attitude of the old south didn't taint the enthusiasm of the others.