One of the beautiful things about living in California is the incredibly beautiful landscape. It is full of hills, rock formations, valleys and the Pacific Ocean. I enjoying riding on the roads between the mountains and rock always wondering what is up there. Well we know there are quite a few mountain lions and bears in those mountains, that often times wonder into the backyards of those that build their houses in this natural landscape. We are always invading the habitat of wild animals and are afraid when they wonder into our yards. Oh well, we are in their yards.

These are pictures of what it looks like driving on Malibu Canyon Road headed toward the Pacific Ocean. This road ends on Pacific Coast Highway, which runs from Santa Monica to San Francisco. I hear that this ride is long but spectacular. I did take it to Santa Barbara, and then took highway 58 to Solvang, and that highway will take your breath away.
The closer we got to the coast the more green it was. It is not usually so green but we had a great deal of rain this year. I would imagine there will be a great deal of breeding in those hills as well.
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