Tuesday, December 23, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

The Spirit of Christmas

This is a picture of my daughter Whitney with Santa at 20 months old.

Christmas is here again and it brings with it a great deal of change for a great deal of families. The economy will force some to be more creative for Christmas and others will feel a great deal of pain. Using this time to count your blessings is the best thing that one can do, because if you have life and health, you are truly blessed and have the chance to once again accumulate stuff. More than likely, accumulating stuff will become less and less important, other than the stuff that you need to be comfortable in this life; and many will do with out those for now. America has come back from the Great Depression and we will again recover from this economic down turn.

The meaning of Christmas started to change for me many years ago when my daughter was about six years old. We had been living in Atlanta, Georgia and I had been laid off from my job at MCI about five months before, forcing me to move my young daughter back to Savannah, Ga. to live with my parents. Well that move was a strain on all involved. Seeing the disappointment in my parents eyes was extremely painful, but something I had become accustomed to. In the early days of December I ran into an old friend that was now a psychologist and shared and office with another psychologist in a beautiful old house in Thunderbolt that faced the water. She invited me and my daughter to a Christmas party that they were having at their office for many of their patients and their families who either had no family or were away from family for various reasons. I decided to go and she said the only requirement was to bring a Christmas ornament for the tree and a potluck dish. This party was taking place on Christmas eve and it was quite cold that night, but the sky was clear. I was in a house full of people that I didn't know, where we decorated the tree, chained popcorn, laughed, talked, and ate all sort of food. After the kids chose a present from a grab bag, we were all going caroling through the neighborhood, and the smallest kids road in the back of an old pickup truck with wooden railings, filled with hay. We walked from door to door singing, badly I might add. The people came outside to greet us with hot chocolate and candy canes for the kids. It was the first time that I had done anything like this, but it was the most wonderful experience. I was with people whom I didn't know until that night and have not seen since. But there was a beautifully warm connection of peace and love like I had never felt before. It really restored my faith in people and love. I then realized that blood didn't equate to family, that you can have the sense of family with perfect strangers. I know it was only one night, just like you have chance meetings with people on the street, but that immediate connection, warmth, and acceptance you feel is something you carry with you through out your life.

This experience showed me that Christmas was not about shopping for that hat and scarf, sweater, or whatever gift you are buying for friends and family, it is mostly about what is on the inside than what is on or for the outside. That Christmas warmed my heart and has remained apart of me, and to me that is what Christmas is really about, that is the true spirit of Christmas. As each Christmas comes and goes, I want less and less of that tradition my family has created, which was wonderful for many years, but things have changed and I want to change with it. It has become about giviing of yourself instead of giving of stuff. Oh yeh, I know that giving of stuff can also be memorable, when someone gets something that they have been wanting for sometime, a new car, a new baby, a marriage proposal, etc., but most of these things are also for the heart. Most things that are purchased and put in a box are not. Christmas has also been a time of great loss for some and reconnection for others. It is important for us to reconnect to what is important in our lives and celebrate that. Always!
Saturday, December 20, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

17.4 Million Dollar Emergency Loans to Only Two Auto Companies.

This is a first for me, but I applaud President Bush's decision to bailout GM and Chrysler on Friday. Chrysler is a privately owned company and after the parent company has dumped millions into its struggling entity, it decided no more. I don't blame them for not wanting to continually dump good money after bad, but I do blame them for allowing all of this bad decision making by the top executives to continue. The liquidation of these companies would have destroyed the American economy and many hard working American people with it. Even though most of their demise is from their not following the trends of today or merely listening to its consumers, these are decisions of a few, that would destroy the lives of many. It was important to give them a chance to make things better. It was a surprising decision of this administration to, for once, look after the interest of its people. This is mostly because of the outcry from many politicians to do something to help the people of this country and stop putting the business sector first, allowing them to continuously exploit its workers and its consumers.
Gratefully so, this decision came with quite a few restraints on the auto companies, which were completely necessary. Bush's decision was very much in line with the plan proposed in Congress earlier in the week that met with strong Republican opposition, who believe that the companies should go bankrupt. Even Bush, a Republican, believed that under ordinary circumstances these companies should not be bailed out by the government and should be allowed to fail. That is one Republican view that I agree with. Unfortunately, these are not ordinary circumstances, they are extraordinary ones, and to keep the economy from completely spiraling out of control, Bush is giving these companies a chance to restructure and help themselves with a short term loans. The way that this differs from Congress is that the money Bush is using comes from the 700 billion dollars already set aside by Congress for the financial markets as opposed to the 25 billion previously set aside for the auto makers in the plans to update the auto industry, with more fuel efficient cars, alternate fueled cars, and possibly electric cars.
This also holds the roof up long enough for the new administration to come in and make some decisions as oppose to having to undo one more thing, or shovel up one more pile of Bush dung, Making Obama look even more like the House Negro.
Saturday, December 6, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

Economic Recession

It amazes me that our government is so out of touch with the people that they govern, they don't have a clue when we are suffering until things start to fall down around their own ankles. We have been in a recession for well over a year with unemployment at 6.7 % and over a million jobs lost this year alone. Last week they officailly announced that this country was in a recession, what do you think was the clue for them.
Did they think by not acknowledging the true state of this economy would not make it so. How did our government get so out of touch with the people. It is not just the executive branch of government, which you almost expect to be out of touch, but our legislative branch is something you want to believe is still in touch with it's constituents. That is why it is designed the way that it is. There are two senators that are voted from each state, but the House consists of 435 representatives taking a specific number from each state according to the population of that state. Most of these representatives are people living in the communities of which they represent. So how is it that after a short time rubbing elbows with power perceived in politics they soon forget why they are there. Their personal agenda immediately takes precedence and they never look back. I don't understand how they look themselves in the mirror once they start to sell out those who believed in them and worked so hard to get them elected. I truly believe that the day does come when they look in the mirror and not even recognize their own reflections, they see something totally different. Just like a person who suffers from eating disorders. They will be skin and bone, weighing a mere 75 pounds and on the brink of death, but what they see when they look in the mirror is someone overweight and unattractive. This is in serious contrast to what many politician see when they look in the mirror. Even when they have lost sight of what they were elected for and what promises they have made to get the majority votes, they see something larger than life, something beautiful to them, what they can become or what they want to become. They don't recognize GREED when they see it, and as time goes on that reflection, of which they don't presently recognize, becomes even more obscure.

I waited a few days before posting this to see just what congress would possibly put together for this bailout of the auto industry, because on the wall street bailout they just wrote a blank check. This time there is a two edge sword, the working class could lose either way, either through losing millions of jobs that would possibly put us into a depression; and as a taxpayer, that is going to bailout private industry that we have watched make bad decisions for the past 20-30 years. Decisions that didn't take into account the needs of the working class, of the average American. The need for less dependency on foreign oil and a way to use alternative energy sources, leaving less carbons in the air' that lists goes on.
Well I am surprised and equally elated about the bailout legislation that is being proposed. In the New York Times today there was a bit of an overview of what Congress had been working on so hard this weekend. The two things that radiated with me more than anything was the part of the legislation that states that the three automakers will not be able to own or lease private jets during the time the government loans are outstanding and that the top level executives will not receive any bonuses nor the stockholders any dividends during this time the loans are outstanding. Now this is the beginning of a real bailout. The first time that I have every taken note of politicians looking out for the working class, where the majority of taxes are generated.

It is a new day America, and I am glad that I am around to see it.
Thursday, November 27, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

CNN Heros

On Thanksgiving night I watched CNN Heroes and it was something inspiring. It is amazing the compassion and the love that is in the heart and souls of so many everyday people. So we are not all consumed by the economy and how we are going to make it through these tough times, there are also those who are consumed with what they can do to help others through these tough times. We all know that regardless of what we are going through in this life, there are just so many more people that are suffering even more than you are. I have always heard that helping others is food for the soul.

About four years ago, I had a bad feeling, it was more of a profound feeling that things in my life were going to spiral downhill and during that time I was going to be stripped of something that was going to prepare me for something else. Well my life did spiral out of control and there was nothing that I could do about it. Emotionally it was harder than anything that I have ever experienced. Somehow through it all, I would always see a bright light, something positive, a person reaching out to me, a person that was a total stranger would give me a hug, and sometimes only a smile. Some how it was always there, and I guess that kept me going. I believe that God has a special job for me and I also feel that I am on the right path to be of service to others. My needs and wants have been put on the back burner, actually what I want and believe I need has become less and less. It seems like what I desire more of these days is to give, to give of myself, to give of my time, and to give of my heart. It was just recently that I had another profound feeling that this burden that I have had for the past four years was about to be lifted, and I would blossom into something that has always been within. I guess I had to be stripped of the fear, the fear of giving without receiving or feeling the need of acceptance by others, especially family and close friends. Through all of this humility resonates and that is a wonderful feeling. I have been compelled to do some charitable work, but I am a little selective in what I want to do. First of all it has to be something where I can see the direct benefit to others, nothing that goes through too many hands. I wanted it to be something that helps women and children, especially young women. I wanted it to be something that I am committed to, not just on holidays or special occasions, but something that was on going, and has a direct effect on people's lives.

Well I have not found that one thing yet, but honestly I have not been looking really hard. I have been trying to get myself in place both physically and emotionally, and now I feel like the cloud of smoke is lifting and it is time for me to emerge.
I have been so blessed. God has always put kind and generous people in my path. As I drive the bus everyday, there is always someone buying me breakfast, bringing me fruit, coffee, books, and many other things, but most of all they are constantly thanking me for what they perceive as acts of kindness. One girl actually said to me, " Thank you for being so kind to your passengers" That is my reward, the appreciation and the return kindness of others. I often thank God for His putting certain people in my path, and ask him if there is anything that I am doing to attract so many warm and loving people into my life, I want to keep on doing that and actually I want to do more of it. That has always been my prayer, and one day I was told on my bus, that I attract certain kinds of people because of the kind of person that I am. But it is the kind of person that I am becoming through the love and guidance of the Great Master. Don't worry I am not taking myself too seriously, but I can see the growth, that is why I think that I am on the right path to be of service to others. I am not going to lie and say I don't absolutely love how people respond to me, and the feeling I get when I am kind and considerate to others, and their appreciation of that kindness. I find it so much easier than not being kind, now that takes so much more energy.
I hope to find something that becomes a passion for me, something that impacts others lives, something that I can only give in a way that I can only give it. I feel that I am getting closer to that point in my life, and I am grateful.

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Friday, November 14, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

Richard Timothy Jones

Another celebrity siting right in my own neighborhood. Two blocks from my house here in San Fernando Valley is this great Asian supermarket as well as an Asian herb shop. When I was about to enter the grocery part of the store, Richard Jones was exiting the herb shop. He walked out right in front of me wearing athletic gear and a baseball cap. I said hello to him and he said hello, then I asked him if thought I would mnot recognize him, and he just laughed. I then noticed that he was limping and I asked him if he was ok, and he just said that it was a football injury, so I started to tease him telling him that he is an actor and getting a little bit older so he is going to have to give up playing football with the kids. He just laughed and said ok. I then told him that he looks well and he thanked me for the compliment. I told him to take care of himself, and he said "thank you again." It was a very friendly exchange and much appreciated by a fan. Yes he is just as handsome in person as he is on television, but his personality shown brighter than his smile, which was beautiful.

I so often have to remind myself that I am in a city where a great deal of these people live and work, and it is always exciting to run into them on the street, and most often they are quite friendly.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

Wake Up Everybody

This is a video that I am very proud to show, because we all have something to give. Many artist and celebrities are supporting Barack Hussein Obama, because we all know that this country needs a change for all people. Just like these artist, just do what you do to make a change. This video is beautiful. Actually it is urging all to get out and vote on Nov. 4th.

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Sunday, November 9, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

Jesse Jackson, Jr., Not His Father

This young man is something to watch. I have recently noticed his intelligence and dedication throughout Barack's presidential campaign, and he is a pleasure to see. I have never been too fond of his father, therefore, I had no interest in the son. He is more like Barack than he is his father. I am very impressed with the young black leaders of today They are well educated, intelligent, family oriented, and rooted in the black community. Most importantly they realize the importance of the "We". They realize that we live in a much more diverse America, the backgrounds of the people are more diverse, our neighborhoods are more diverse, and one person's ethnicity is more diverse, and they are no longer willing to choose one ethnicity over the other. Those people who have one parent of one ethnicity and another parent of another ethnicity are tired of feeling that they don't belong and that they have to identify with one part of them over the other. Tiger Woods made this clear during his rise in the golf world, and Barak is making it clear now. They maybe rooted in the black community because of how the world sees them, but they no longer want to have to choose. This is the new America. As a people we are reaching out to other cultures, learning their language and how to cook their food, we are diverse, and we want a leadership that understands that, and one that will bridge the gap. We have now brought together people of all cultural backgrounds and now Barack's next responsibility is to bridge the socio-economic gap, and he has decided to start by taking care of the middle class. As the middle class Americans rise, we will bring along the lower middle-class, and this gap that was made larger by the Bush Administration will start to close.
It is a beautiful thing to watch.
Barack Obama is our first Black President of the United States, but I don't think that he is going to be the last; Jesse Jackson, Jr. also has what it takes. He is already pegged the Congressman most likely to take Barack's abandoned Senate seat, and will one day take an abandoned presidential seat. You do your thing young brother.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

The Greatest Historical Event of My Lifetime

Barack Hussein Obama, II has reached the mountaintop and he is taking the middle class with him. This man has a great deal of hard work ahead of him, and believe me I am not in the least bit envious, but I am so proud of him. There are few words to explain what Black Americans are feeling during this time, all you have been able to see around the country, are tears. Just as people of all races have been moved by Martin Luther King, Jr. they have most recently been just as moved by Barack Obama.
I keep hearing that there is just something special about this man. His demeanor and charisma is just contagious and we are feeling it through and through. The way people rallied around this man was more than just his oratorical abilities, his charm and good looks, or even his obvious intelligence and good judgment. Innumerable amounts of people of varied backgrounds gathered just to hear him, just to see him, just to occupy the same space where this feeling of hope radiates, it is almost biblical. He ignited a crusade of unflagging enthusiasm and many believe that this man was appointed by God, just as King was, and that is why so many are willing to follow him in a time when politicians have proven incessantly corrupt.
President Elect Obama has stated that this was not his victory, but the victory of the American people who have spoken. We have said, we no longer want the government of yesteryear, we want and need something different, something new, something fresh, and we have elected a man into the highest office of the land to lead us there. We now realize that our voices have been heard and only collectively can we restore this country.
To Black America, it means so very much more. It shows us that what our parents have told us over and over again is true, that with hard work and perseverance we can achieve anything. We no longer have an excuse for why we are not as progressive as we should be. We can no longer say that "the white man" is holding us back. Yes racism is still alive and well, but we are actually our biggest obstacle. Yes we have made a great deal of progress but there is so much more that we need to do, and the most important thing now is to be our brother's keeper. We need to reach out for our bothers and sisters, and collectively we can make such a difference. Again this election of our 44th President is proof.

In the past few years I have seriously considered leaving this country in search of something better. I no longer wanted to live in a country where the more money you earned the more you were forced to spend. I was in search of some peace and simple living, believing that there had to be something better, somewhere where the quality of life matters. Life in America began to look quite bleak to me, and I was just not willing to live the rest of my life in the same manner of which I have lived my past life. The cost of living had become so ridiculously expensive until it was paralyzing. It didn't matter whether I was financially capable or not, it would eventually require more. I no longer wanted to reach for the perceived beauty of things for that immediate gratification.
I yearn for a simple life with purpose, a life with joy, without creating enormous debt. I first started with self, re-evaluating what was really important to me, what I needed and what I didn't need. Minimizing the stuff around me became liberating. Barack has restored the promise of America to so many like myself, the belief that anything is possible, that you can actually reach your full potential, you can choose your own path, and for that I am grateful. I do realize that this promise does not come without individual sacrifice. For the first time I am very happy and very proud to be an American, where my voice count, where my needs matter, where I can make a difference. This is a pivotal point in the American story and I am elated to be able to take part in such a euphoric time in this country.
I intend to follow Obama's Administration closer than I have ever done with any other, I don't want to miss a thing. I am hoping that many others feel the same. Yes he will make mistakes and he will not be able to save us, but he gives us Hope, and with that inspiration, we will gain the strength to save ourselves.

Mr. President you and your family will be in my prayers daily.

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Monday, November 3, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

Black America Will Rise

Today after talking to my daughter on my cell phone, she sent me a forwarded text message. This message reads,

Rosa sat so Martin could walk,
Martin walked so Obama could run,
Obama is running, so Our Children can Fly.

this speaks volumes to me.
Obama said something at one of his campaign rallies, that someone had said to him, "when you get tired of all that you are doing, just reach way down deep, and keep fighting." This means a great deal because so many before us was able to do just that. If they had not, then Obama would not be in the position that he is in right now. There are so many people that broke through numerous barriers and suffered more than some of us can even imagine, and they found the strength to keep fighting because it was for a cause much greater than themselves. This is why it is so important for Black America to come together as a people now, for the first time since slavery, and rally behind our brother Barack. We need to work together, help each other, pull ourselves up and a brother or sister with us. We need to elevate each other, forget our differences, forget the negatives that divide us, we have proven to be a strong people, a resilient people, an innovative people, and together we would be more powerful than we know. We need to get involved in our communities, help our elderly and our children. Volunteer consistently in our communities, whether it is cleaning the streets, painting an elderly persons house, tutoring our children so that they are better equipped to pursue higher education and compete in this society. Take the time, because usually that is all that is necessary, and we are our brother's keeper.
Stop tearing each other down verbally, physically, and spiritually. Parents raise your children, and if you don't know how, find out how. The Black Church has always been our source of strength, and there are many out there to help, but we have to put our pride in our pockets and be humble, only then can we rise, and rise together.
I am not saying this because Barack is a black President, but because of what he has been able to achieve, that is the dream. Barack,also wants to see us come together as a Nation, and grow strong as a nation, and the only way we can do that is Unite. It is only when we learn to love ourselves as a people and embrace each other will we be able to unite with others.
Rise my brother, Rise my sister, Rise.

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Sunday, November 2, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

Voting Rights Act of 1965

About a year or two ago there was an email that was circulating that enraged many African-Americans. This email indicated that the Voters Right Act of 1965 which is part of the Civil Rights act was coming up to be voted on Congress. This infuriated many because they believed that what Congress was voting on was the right for African-Americans to vote. Everyone is wondering why is it that this right to vote is not a permanent part of our constitution. Well this information was quite misleading and it exasperated many African-Americans but this was bad information.

In 1870 the 15th Amendment was ratified, it specified that the right to vote shall not be denied or abridged on the basis of race, color, or previous servitude. This superseded state laws which prohibited black voting. Congress then enacted the Enforcement Act of 1870, which contained criminal penalties for interference of the right to vote. After this millions of recently freed slaves registered to vote. Black candidates for the first time were elected to state, local, and federal offices and had a very active role in the government. This participation was greatly resisted and in 1890 certain states began to amend their constitutions and enact a series of laws, i.e., poll tax,literacy tests, etc. By 1910, all blacks were kept from voting by any means necessary. After much violence and other means of keeping blacks from voting, the Voters Right Act of 1965, was initiated by President Johnson who recognized the need for stronger voter legislation. This piece of legislation followed the language of the 15th Amendment this was done in Section 2 of the legislation. However, there were certain parts of the country that Congress believed had the highest potential for discrimination to be the greatest, and this is where Section 5 comes into play, and the only part of this legislation that comes up for vote every few years. This section has special provisions for the potentially discriminatory areas of the country. Jurisdictions covered by these special provisions could not implement any change affecting voting until the Attorney General or the United States District Court for the District of Columbia determined that the change did not have a discriminatory purpose and would not have a discriminatory effect. In addition, the Attorney General could designate a county covered by these special provisions for the appointment of a federal examiner to review the qualifications of persons who wanted to register to vote. It was extended for five years at first and seven years after that, and George W. Bush just recently extended it to 2025. Many politicians wants this section to be eliminated, but it is still a problem for minority voters in the specified areas of the country, and the vote is to either continue with these provisions or not to continue.
This all should have been researched prior to circulating an email that infuriated most ns frightened other African Americans. We were thinking the day may come where we can no longer vote, as it was between 1870 and 1965. So you can't believe everything that you read it pays to find out for yourself. This is the reason why I put several links in my blog, so you can look into the various things that I write about.

Good looking up!
Thursday, October 30, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

My Daily Trip to Wendy's

Like clock work, I stop to the Wendy's on Ventura near Fallbrook in San Fernando Valley almost every morning while I am driving my bus route on the way to the Thousand Oaks area. No it is not the food that I stop for it is the facilities. I am have been doing this since about June of this year. With my job we change our routes every six months and the first thing a driver does is find out where on the route there are clean and easily accessible restrooms. Wendy's has been one of those places for me. In this Wendy's there are 2-4 retired people always sitting at the same table and like me they are there every morning. After about the second week of my coming in, they would say good morning and make idle chat as I rush in and rush out. One particular morning they saw me pull the bus up in front and proceed to the door of Wendy's and one of the gentleman had squatted down on the inside while holding the inside handle of the door so that I was not able to just snatch it open. Once I saw him there through the class of the door I just started to laugh and then he let me in. The other guy was standing in front of the ladies restroom door with his arms stretched open so that I couldn't pass. Again I just laughed and they got a big kick out of teasing me this way. It was just so funny until I couldn't say a word. It was just all in good fun.
Every since that day they tease me as I run in and out of the Wendy's and I also tease them about having nothing better to do than get up in the morning to harass the bus driver. They are really very nice people. They tell me that they look forward to seeing me in the mornings as I look forward to seeing them, and when I don't come in they miss my doing so. In the brief seconds of my going in and out we are able to exchange information about our kids, home towns, vacations, etc, this exchange has been quite interesting and uplifting.

This morning one of the gentleman who is always leaving about the time I stop in front of the store, was at the counter purchasing something to take out with him and he walked out with me as I was rushing out and told me about one of the other gentlemen that is sometimes there in the mornings; that he was a little rattled by our brief chat the day before. He is also retired with longer grey hair that he pulls back in a ponytail. He is actually the quieter of the four and I will call him the fourth one because he is not always there in the morning. The day before I was teasing, the fourth one, about being really quiet and that maybe he needed another cup of coffee or need to get his coffee else where, because the Wendy's coffee is just not working. He sort of smiled and kept his eyes on his coffee.
So this morning when I was leaving, the gentleman that walked out with me started to tell me that I almost got into it with the guy with the pony tail, yesterday. He told me that he never talks to him because he doesn't like him, and then he told me that this guy really hates me because I am black. Well I was really surprised to hear that, but of course not shocked. I told my friend that this guy obviously has a problem, and it is just that, his problem. We laughed and I told him that whenever I see the fourth one, I am going to make sure to speak to him specifically, but being careful with my teasing, and just be over the top with personality and attention, and let that anger eat him up or it may just ease him up.
There was a time that this sort of thing would have angered me, but not anymore because I am blessed with what God has given me and those who harbor hatred usually are not even aware of why they are angry. They have been taught to do so, and losing that anger would mean losing a part of themselves. I find it a very sad situation. I know how hard it is to harbor resentment toward someone that has actually done something wrong to me. Having to remember my anger whenever their name is mentioned and or when I am faced with them. That is just way too much energy for me, so I can only imagine what it takes to hate an entire race of people. They must be exhausted.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

The Gift that keeps on Giving

There is this wonderful and very excitable Vietnamese couple that I see every morning taking an early morning walk together. I usually see them at Topanga and Sherman Way in San Fernando Valley as I begin my route at 5:00 in the morning. The lady is a little shy, but has started talking to me more and more. Her husband is one that is full of energy and I believe that he is the one that really started all of this. I see them pretty much every morning and we have all gotten to the point where we look for each other because it is a warm exchange and a great start to the day when you come across people that are nice and engaging. It is actually a disappointment when I don't see them in the morning. Well after Nancy warmed up to me she asked me what size bra did I wear. Of course I thought this was a strange question coming from someone that I hardly know, but she went on to explain that she makes bras and works for an American lingerie company, and we just all laughed. After she asked the question, her husband just sort of looked at me and walked away with this big smile on his face, as if to say, I don't really want to know this information. So when I told her the size she looked closer at my chest area as though she didn't believe me, and I told her that these puppies were well contained, but that was the correct size. She says to me, "but you are skinny", and that is when I hugged and thanked her for calling me skinny; something every woman wants to hear even when it is not true, and in my case it is not true. I am in a size twelve which is fine for my height but I am almost fifty years old and there are quite a few things poking out under there.

The very next morning they were approaching the stop at Topanga as I was also approaching. While I was changing the head sign on the bus in preparation to begin my route they were standing right outside the door. When I opened the door and said good morning I was being handed a small white bag, from no other than her husband. Inside there were two brand new bras in my size. I just laughed about who was actually handing me the package, and I thanked her very much.
What is so wonderful about this is that it reminds me that there are still really good and generous people in this world. I believe that there are more of them than not, but unfortunately the minority of people that set out to do harm to others makes one really weary of all people and keeps you on the defensive. These are the things that I love about my job. I have always really enjoyed people and getting to know them and their lives and discover and understand as well as embrace the differences in our backgrounds, our culture, our ethnicity, etc. None of these things were a factor in this beautiful exchange between an African-American woman and an Asian-American couple. The thing that we have in common is the enjoyment of meeting good people where there is a warm, intelligent, and enlightening exchange that leaves you with restored faith and a smile. This is the beauty that God wants us to see within each other, knowing that we have more in common than not. That people are people, regardless of their ethnicity, religious beliefs, or background; our basic needs are the same.

This is one of the reasons that I absolutely love my job as a metro bus driver. I am fortunate enough to meet all sorts of people from all walks of life, and they greatly outweigh those that are unpleasant to meet. I learn so much from these people and about these people and it further encourages me. The other thing I love about my job is that I have learned a great deal about this city through driving the bus and the various routes. I have learned my way around the city and learned the culture of various neighborhoods, by its inhabitants and the type of businesses that are there.

We are in very difficult times in this country and it is always warming to the heart when you connect with one another. We need that, and it makes whatever it is that you are going through just a little bit easier. It is really easy to smile and say good morning to those that you don't know. To listen when they talk to you, because you don't ever know if your kindness is what makes the difference in their lives, the difference in their day, or change the course of their thoughts and so often there is some sort of impact.

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Monday, October 20, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

WOW! An endorsement by the most respected Republican in all the Land

Sunday, Colin L. Powell endorsed Barack H. Obama for the next President of the United States. He believes that either candidate would make a good president, but Obama is what America needs today. He criticizes McCain on his campaign tactics as well as his choice for a running mate. He also criticizes his party on their swing further to the right in which Palin has become instrumental. Powell admits that he was for the war with the information that he was provided but it just has not worked and it needs to be corrected. Some want to call him a traitor for crossing party lines and others want to say that he crossed these lines merely on race. This is such an insult to such a highly respected man, and is ridiculous for anyone to think that a man with his background would let race alone play any part in his decision to endorse a presidential candidate. I have always had a great deal of respect for Colin Powell, the man and the leader. I greatly respect his opinions and the eloquent way in which he expresses them.
The beauty he saw in a photo essay he came across on the Muslim-America, Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan, a fallen soldier of the Iraqi War, now buried in Arlington Cemetery at the tender age of 20, further exemplifies, the wisdom and the insite of this great man.. It didn't matter if Khan was Muslim or not when he went to fight for this country against terrorism that destroys the fiber of freedom everywhere. The story he told of this young man once again reiterates the fact that the differences among us is not the issue, and that we are more alike than we are different.

Powell expressed his admiration for both presidential candidates but believe Obama to be what America needs at this time. Powell recognizes Obama's ability to inspire people, reach across racial, ethnic, religious, generational, and social line. He highlights Obama's rhetorical abilities, and the substance as a leader and as a man.
This is what Powell endorses. He has only known Obama for the past couple of years and he mentions that he has watched Obama educate and ready himself for the most important job in America, that as President. For these reasons and these reasons alone is why Powell believes Obama to be the right man for the job. Powell describes Obama as a transformational figure, and transformation is what we need, we need his freshness.
McCain describes Bill Ayers, the man that he is trying so hard to link Obama with, as a "washed up terriorist" and I describe McCain as a "washed up POW" and this experience does not give him what is needed to run this country, other than further into the ground.
No Obama will not be able to make the necessary changes with lightening speed, but he will put in place a team that will work their hardest to make the changes needed to get America back on top where she belongs. Why, because smart people knows how to surround themselves with a strong team that has the level of experience and expertise that he can draw from, and that is evident in his choice of a running mate.

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Saturday, October 18, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

Fear of Our Own Greatness

We all have things that we have dreamed of doing in our lives and most of these dreams we never pursue. Sometimes it is because others don't believe in our dream and we start to doubt ourselves. Other times life gets in the way, and by the time we have less responsibility in our lives and are able to start on some of those dreams, we are tired and no longer have the desire, and begin to believe that there was a reason why we never pursued our dreams. I am also guilty of this sort of thinking. There has been times where I have pursued things and taken risks but I have never pursue the dreams I have so often had in the artistic realm. I have less responsibility now than I did when I was raising my daughter and it is my time, but I have allowed everything to get in my way, most of all myself. I am trying to free myself from this, and I so often convince myself that I don't have the fight that I use to have ten years ago, but that is not true, I still have that fire. I believe that God puts the passion into your heart and it is up to us to act on it.
Many people have had the same feelings, and they some how worked through that fear, and pushed through to their dream. There are many people that has come before us, and these are average everyday people that have done extraordinary things.
Photojournalism is something that I have a passion for. I have always loved photography and also learning about people's lives, where they have been, where they are going and why. I believe that everyone has a story and most often it can touch some else's life. That is what I am passionate about. What scares me is that there are so many amazing photographers out there and I don't yet know how to make my photography stand out from the rest. I am good with relating to people. I have the kind of personality that people gravitate to and my honesty and sincerity is what people are trusting of. I am hoping that these character traits are what pushes me along in my pursuit of this field. Hopefully this will allow me to get the right photograph that tells a moving story.
The reason for starting these blogs is to overcome my fear of putting myself out there, expressing myself for all to see, even putting some photos out there. Hopefully the day will come when I look back on these meager beginnings and be grateful that I started somewhere. I am also hoping that all that read my blogs will also see my growth, and even be instrumental in that growth by commenting on what they read or see in my photographs.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

The Last Presidential Debate, Still Too Close for Comfort

Tonight, the debate was held at Hofstra University, in Hempstead, New York, which is where I attended college. It was actually hard to watch. The lies that McCain is steadily allowed to tell about Obama is amazing. These statements have been consistently corrected in commentary, but he continues to perpetuate them and attack the man personally. The America people want to hear what the candidates plan to do, especially with this economy. The other major issues being the war in Iraq, the education of our children so they are able to compete in this world, and health care. McCain continues to skim these issues and makes taxes the main issue of his platform other than bashing Obama.

There seems to be a great deal of people that have switched parties, because of the most recent Republican regime. When Bush took office this country had a financial surplus, and now the deficit is out of reach. The economy is headed toward a serious depression, and we are bailing out big business and letting the little man sink. It appears as though it was not until these financial institutions started to suffer from all of the bad mortgages, that the federal government publicly acknowledge that there was a serious problem. This alone is quite a disappointment, and I can't imagine what this country would be like if McCain is the next president, and with the polls being as close as it is, anything is possible here in America.
As much as I want Obama to be our next president, I am quite concerned for his life. He is too young and has too much to offer this country for him to be snuffed out like that. Then there is the obvious, his wife being widowed and their two girls growing up without their father, as so many of the families of our promising leaders have had to do; i.e., John Kennedy, Jack Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Medger Evers, and Malcom X, just to name a few.
I am aware that Obama is not going to be able to turn this country around easily or rapidly, but I believe that he will make enough of a difference for the American people to take note and benefit over the long term.
I don't think that I can handle another republican in office and especially the likes of John McCain. Leaving this country and becoming an expatriate is definitely an option for me and many others that I have spoken with. Where will I go, I am not sure at this time, but somewhere where the cost of living as well as the quality of life is much better. I always hear that there is no other place like America, and I am not able to speak on that, because I have never lived any where else. I am quite interested in finding out, especially if McCain gets into the White House.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

Witness to A Huge Historical Moment

Reuters/Shannon Stapleton

There are a number of people that believe that Barack Obama is not ready for the White House, but most people in this country are tired of what the White House represents and how it represents, and we are ready for Change, and that change will come with Barack Obama. Barack may not have Foreign Policy experience, but he has a gift of bringing people together, to contribute their individual gifts to have a win/win situation. Yes that means compromise, give and take, but that is what negotiating is all about; but you can't negotiate, talk about, work through or work on anything, if those necessary people don't see the urgency to come together . Alongside Barack is a gracious lady, that is equally as intelligent and as eager for change as we are for the future of this country. See, we all know that this country has the resources to be so much more than it is for its citizens and we want those resources allocated appropriately. This change is exactly what Michelle Obama spoke about last night at the Democratic Convention. Her speech demonstrated the passion she has for her country and her belief in her husband's abilities to ignite the change that we so desperately yearn for. She spoke of his love for people and his family, his ability to appreciate diversity by seeing and knowing that we have more that makes us the same, than that which makes us different. For once, there is a man that is appealing to us all as one people, as one nation and I believe that he has made it this far because of this ability, but not this ability alone.
No, he is not perfect, nor do we believe that he can do all that needs to be done, but we know that when he becomes the Leader of the Free World, he will have won the fight but the war is on.

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Monday, August 25, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

Malinda Williams Jones

I was just looking at all of the beautiful pictures of Malinda and her new Hubby on her wedding day. I am a photographer, not that it is necessary to be able to see what only pictures are able to reveal, since they are moments frozen in time. Pictures always tell a story. Sometimes those pictures tell stories that you don't want told, or stories that you are not even aware of. There were stories in my wedding pictures that I didn't see until after the wedding, and those pictures didn't lie.
I see an untold story here even before looking at more of the wedding photos, where there were photos of other married couples and the difference is quite obvious. She seems so excited not only about her wedding but also about being his wife, his life partner, and I hope she gets all that she is hoping for. I do wonder what will be her price.

I know that it appears as though I am rambling, because I don't want to appear to be a hater of sorts, but there is something that is disturbing here and I hope that I am wrong.

The second pic is of Dule Hill and his wife, and the third pic is of Nicole and Boris.


When this post was done, there were beautiful pictures on the Essence Magazine website, but those pictures are no longer there, therefore they are no longer attached to my site. I do apologize for this but I will leave the post available. I find it very strange that these pictures are no longer available on the Essence website, when other celebrity weddings prior to Melinda's are still there. Why have these pictures been removed? Did she open herself up to ridicule? Was it something I said?


Melinda's wedding pictures are back on the Essence website, but not those that I referenced. Again I apologize.

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Thursday, August 14, 2008 | By: Tonya Keitt Kalule

Head Lice - Life or Death

I failed to mention before that I work for the Transportation system here in Los Angeles. I am a bus operator for MTA, which is the largest public transportation system in Los Angeles, employing over 10 thousand people. I work about 20-30 hours per week, depending on which six months it is. The routes and schedules change for the drivers every 6 months. Almost three years ago, I moved here to Los Angeles, California and I didn’t know La Cienega from Crenshaw Blvd. I was able to learn my way around Los Angeles and surrounding counties by driving public transit.

When I first applied with MTA I was simply going to apply for one of the office jobs, which I really didn’t want, but hey, I needed a job. Upon completing the application, the lady at the window accepted it and told me that the quickest way in the door with MTA is as a bus operator. My response to her was, “ I don’t want to drive a bus.” She told me I am just telling you; because once you are hired as an operator you can change jobs immediately without ever having to drive a bus. So I decided to take her advice. After going through several interviews and being offered the position, I decided to just go through the training, which was 6 weeks of hell. I decided that I like meeting all sorts of people and absolutely love to drive, that it may just be the job for me.

After training, the first couple of months were hard because I had to drive over night, which are called the owls, and this was in the heart of Hollywood. Well other than safety, I am just not a night person and had a hard time trying to stay awake. Thank God the schedule change was upon us, because I was able to get an assignment that started early in the morning and ended early. Since I was now part-time the hours were not that long, as most full-time drivers work 10-14 hours per day. Almost three years later I am still part-time because I chose to be. Driving that bus for 10-14 hours per day, five days per week is really hard on the body as well as the spirit, so I made the sacrifice and turned it down. Even though there are a number of times that I took on extra assignments and still worked 10-14 hours per day, but that was by choice, and I could stop at any time I wanted to. The company literally owns you once you are full-time and at that moment you cease to have any quality of life at all. The divorce rate is high and the frequency of infidelity is even higher I absolutely love what I do, I find driving the bus to be a great deal of fun, and so is meeting all kinds of people. Quite a few of the people you get to know pretty well because they are regulars on your route.

This brings me to the real story. I drive a route that goes the length of Ventura Blvd, in San Fernando Valley. For those that don’t know the street, it is a very popular street where there are lots of high-end shops and restaurants. It also goes through Studio City and Encino (home of the Jackson family, of the Jackson 5,) where quite a few celebrities live, so there are quite a few celebrity sightings. I start this route at 5 am and most of the riders at that time are those that are going to and from work and school. When I turn around and head the opposite direction on Ventura, I get to a certain point and change my head sign on the bus which changes my route number and from there I go all the way to Thousand Oaks, which is near Malibu. On this leg of my trip I pick up this lady who is from Bronx, New York, but has lived out here quite a number of years. I also believe that she is Jewish. She has a really strong New York accent, that to me sounds like she is from Brooklyn, but she says she is from the Bronx. Well when she gets on my bus, she starts talking to this lady that has gotten on the bus a few stops before her. Well she talks non-stop for about 20 minutes, and I find her conversation to be fascinating and quite entertaining, besides, I just love to hear her talk. She is intelligent and apparently well read, and she loves old movies. She is about 56 years old; I know that because she said in 1961 she was 8 years old.

See, this lady sits in the one of the first two seats on the bus, therefore I can hear her entire conversation. She seems to be very opinionated and quite liberal. Most of what she says I absolutely agree with and other times I am surprised. Today she was talking and she mentioned that when her relatives came from Europe, one of her aunts was turned away from the ship for the journey to America, because she had head lice, and because she was left behind, she died in the holocaust. I winced when I heard her say that. This young woman died at the hands of the Germans all because she could not enter the boat to travel to America, as so many did, because she had head lice. Her other family members that were entering the boat that day survived. Can you imagine the guilt that the survivors had to live with or what the young woman was going through knowing that she would die and never see her family again? Wow! I can’t begin to imagine any of those emotions. Well this really struck a nerve with me because I am presently reading this book by Daniel Mendelsohn called “The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million” The story is basically about Mendelsohn researching to find out what happened to his grandfather’s brother, his brother’s wife and their four daughters, that still resided in Bolechow in the Ukraine after World War II. The book is quite interesting. It was known that they perished in the Holocaust but not much was known of when and how, or even what sort of family they were. Mendelsohn wanted to know the details of their deaths, because he was the one uncle that little was known. He also had a striking resemblance to this uncle.

As I was riding the bus later, on my way home from work, I was reading this book and started to read about the story that his maternal grandfather told him about his trip to America. This was a question that his grandfather was always asked, and his answer was he didn’t know because he was throwing up the entire time. There is however one part that he loved to tell and that is how he and his sister almost missed the boat because she had such long hair. The reason was that they were inspecting the passengers for head lice, and since her hair was so long it would have taken too long and they were already about to miss the boat. So his grandfather, being a teenage boy, yelled fire, fire, and through all of the commotion that was generated, he grabbed his sister’s hand and ran onto the boat.

She made it because she had a mischievous brother, and my passenger’s aunt was turned away.

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